Blue Trolley Family Club

The purpose of Blue Trolley Club is to promote Russian cultural heritage, including the organization of festivals and other events designed to educate and inform    Russian-speaking Americans and Americans who are interested in Russian culture regarding the past and present of Russian music, poetry and art.

About us

The Blue Trolley Club is a family style event-organization that caters to all ages.
Twice a year, the Blue Trolley Club hosts a music-festival style camping trip (with up to 1,500 attendees) which takes place in upstate New York.
The Blue Trolley Club also hosts two additional events during the year in New Jersey: an April fools show and a New Year’s Party – each clocking in at around 300 guests.
We have fans not only in the tristate area, but also in Russia, Ukraine, Canada, Israel and throughout Europe.

Join Blue Trolley club


25 April 2023 7:30PM

Сборный концерт Преображение- песни и стихи в переводах

28 February 2023 7:30PM

Сборный концерт “Песни про меня”

18 February 2023 4:30PM

Зимний Однодневный Фестиваль “ День Синего Троллейбуса” 

644 Paramus Rd, Paramus, NJ 07652

Our Mission - Russian cultural heritage

Синий Троллейбус – это семейный клуб. Мы рады друзьям всех возрастов, от самых маленьких до самых взрослых. Мы собираемся вместе два раза в год на слеты, мы проводим встречу Нового Года, Смехотроль на первое апреля, организуем концерты.


Zoom meetings





Наши одноклубники живут в Нью-Йорке и окрестностях, а также в Канаде, Европе, Израиле, Украине, России – ну, везде, кроме Антарктиды, и все они при первой возможности прилетают-приезжают на наши слеты и другие праздники.
Участники нашего клуба очень талантливы – они поют, пишут стихи, песни, танцуют, всего и не перечесть. И они необыкновенно благодарные зрители.

Присоединяйтесь к нашей группе, и вы будете знать обо всех новостях из первых рук.

1000 +

Members Worldwide​

200 +

Conducted events

Our community

All of our participants are extremely talented! Each of our events – showcasing professional as well as non-professional musicians – accommodate a large audience. Our shows consist of singing, dancing, poem recitations – and that’s only the beginning! Adding an amazing energy to each of our shows, is, of course, our incredibly warm and grateful audience, that is filled with joy and gratitude the second they hear kids recite a poem from Pushkin’s famous Ruslan and Lyudmila, or when they hear a song being performed by a Russian bard-artist that reminds them of home and happy childhood memories.

To Know More

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These kind of experiences create a magical atmosphere not only for those who understand the Russian language, but also for anyone who is able to see how meaningful it is when long-time friends get together around the campfire, or how a proud parents face lights up when their child performs a song and dance routine flawlessly. Our goal is to pass on the traditions we grew up with to our children and share them with our new friends, while at the same time not forgetting where we came from.


We need your involvement!

The Blue Trolley is a non-profit organization that is going to continue delighting you with our unforgettable gatherings, live concerts and online events.
But you can help us! 

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